Lottery Pool Contract

1. I, Kevin Dorobat, am the Group Leader for this pool and, as such, I have absolute discretion, including determining who may play or not play in this pool.

2. If your name is not on this group play then you are not a member of this pool.

3. If you have not pay in full for this draw prior to the purchase of the tickets then you are not a member of this lottery group.

4. Each lottery draw and each lottery group-play form is a new agreement to play the lottery. As such there is no regular group or regular member.

5. The group form as signed and the money as paid in advance of each ticket purchase, determines the lottery group for this particular draw.

6. As Group Leader I shall manage this list, collect members contribution, purchase the tickets, distribute copies of the tickets along with the list of group members prior to the draw and also report the results of the draw as soon is reasonably possible.

7. The Group Leader will purchase Quick Picks tickets. There is no ownership in any particular group of numbers played.

8. The Jackpot or other cash winnings will be equally distributed among the members of the group.

9. The small combined cash prizes (less than$10 per member) will be retained and used to purchase bonus tickets for the next pool lottery.Initial pool lottery members will  have no right to claim prizes in the pool using the bonus tickets unless they are on the active member list for that specific pool.

10. The member of the group have a duty to treat each other fairly and with respect

11. The group leader has no liability for this work except to manage the group money honestly.